Experiments for better teaching

Synthesis from Elements


time requ.: 10 minutes.
objective: Synthesis from elements, exothermic reactions, compounds from elements by chemical reactions.
  • test tube d=18mm
  • test tube holder
  • tripod
  • wire screen
  • burner
  • lighter
  • zinc powder
  • sulphur powder
  • copper foil 0.5*3cm
procedure 1: Mix 13,1g zinc powder with 6,4g sulphur powder and compare the colour of the mixture with pure substances. Put the mixture on the wire screen (tripod) under the fume hood and ignite it with burner.
observation 1: Fast reaction with fire and white smoke, then yellowish-white product.
interpretation 1:      Zn   +   S   --->   ZnS
    zinc  sulphur     zinc sulphide
procedure 2: Evaporate sulphur in a test tube an add a piece of copper foil.
observation 2: Red glowing, then dark coloured product.
interpretation 2:      Cu   +   S   --->   CuS
copper  sulphur      copper(II)-sulphide
source: Proc. 2 from Barke, H.-D. et al.: One Hundred Chemistry-Experiments to Avoid Chalk and Talk; University of Muenster, 2004.

Proc. 1 from Wagner, W., Department of Chemistry Education, University of Bayreuth.





© Walter.Wagner ät uni-bayreuth.de, Stand: 24.05.11

Didaktik der Chemie
Universität Bayreuth