Experiments for better teaching

Low Cost Gas Generator


time requ.: 15 minutes.
objective: Build yourself a low cost device for generating some ccm of gas
  • 2 syringes 10ml
  • 1 syringe 5ml (syringe 1)
  • activated charcoal
  • glass wool
  • snap top vial ~5ml
  • fitting rubber stopper
  • 2 needles 1*50mm

filter with activated charcoal

  This gas generator may be assembled by teachers or experienced students. Most critical operation is pushing the needles carefully through the rubber stopper. Syringe 1 contains the liquid reactant (e.g. conc. sulphuric acid), the snap top vial the solid one (e.g. sodium chloride). Syringe 1 always remains on top of the needle. With syringe 2 you may extract the gaseous product (e.g. hydrogen chloride) for further use. Do not remove the needle from the rubber stopper, remove the syringe only. Use the charcoal filter on the needle as soon as you remove the syringe. For safety reasons a charcoal filter is required. Remove the plunger and fill the tube with a small portion of glass wool, then almost to the top with activated charcoal, close with glass wool. This device you may use in the classroom even if the product ist hydrogen chloride or chlorine gas. The amount obtained is very small (2-10 ccm) and set free in worst case will be of no harm, because it readily disperses in some cubic meters of classroom air. Normal use is to apply charcoal filter.
source: the late top experimenter of the german speaking world: Viktor Obendrauf, Austria.

© Walter.Wagner ät uni-bayreuth.de, Stand: 30.05.11

Didaktik der Chemie
Universität Bayreuth