Experiments for better teaching

Candle Materials


time requ.: 10 minutes.
objective: Everyday chemistry with candles.
  • knife
  • 2 test tubes d=18mm
  • test tube holder
  • lighter
  • burner
  • powder spatula 10mm
  • bromothymol blue
  • octadecane
  • stearic acid
  • stearine candle
  • paraffine candle
procedure 1: Scrape with a knife some wax from a paraffin and a stearin candle. Put one spatula of wax into a test tube, add 2 ml bromothymol blue and heat for a minute.
observation 1: Positive test result (yellow) with the stearin candle, negative test result (blue) with the paraffin candle.
interpretation 1: Stearic acid is a weak acid, paraffine is not acidic.
procedure 2: Make a blank test with pure stearic acid and pure octadecane.
observation 2: Positive test result (yellow) with the stearic acid, negative test result (blue) with octadecane.
disposal of: Garbage box.
source: Barke, H.-D. et al.: One Hundred Chemistry-Experiments to Avoid Chalk and Talk; University of Muenster, 2004.







© Walter.Wagner ät uni-bayreuth.de, Stand: 24.05.11

Didaktik der Chemie
Universität Bayreuth